What do I mean you ask?
We should be fuelling our bodies with the adequate quantity/quality of foods in order for us to thrive day in day out.
With the rate of diabetes, heart disease, obesity dramatically increasing in our society to date, a lot of it has to do with over eating the WRONG foods.
By eating the RIGHT foods you will be able to eat more over a period of time.
Eating less isn't necessary the solution, our aim at EMP through nutrition is to be able to eat more, and by choosing the right food types which fuel performance we can do this.
Eating empty calories purely just to hit macronutrient targets for the majority of us is
un-necessary, yet we should be hitting our macronutrient target with earth grown, nutrient dense foods to get adequate amounts of micronutrients into us while, limiting pre packaged, processed foods 80% of the time.
The more we thrive each day via nutrition, the better our training, productivity, mood and lives will be!!
This is eating to live, not living to eat!!
We go into more depth re nutrition in our EMP method ebook and nutrition manual all our members receive.
If interested in joining us at EMP Performance, head to our website for all our current services and offers!!
Coach Luke
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